Five Healthy Tips for your 20’s Youthful Life!

Five Healthy Tips for your 20’s Youthful Life! 

The 20’s are a tough phase for most people. It’s the time of life where people are discovering themselves professionally, working late hours setting the foundation of a strong career while some people find themselves adjusting to a new life by getting married. No matter what you face during your 20’s, it’s the one age where stress is dominant and health takes a back seat. 

Following five health tips will help you lead a youthful life well beyond your 20’s and you will be grateful to your 20 year old self for paying heed: 

1. Milk / Calcium Intake is Must:  

Bone development does not cease at least till you have in your 30’s which means you still have your 20’s to make up for all the junior years in life where you threw tantrums to not drink milk. This is still a good time to give your bones the much needed calcium which will help battle rickets and osteoporosis later in life. Strong bones are a backbone to a healthy life which is why drinking milk should still be a high priority even in your 20’s and make sure you meet your daily requirement of 1000 mg calcium intake for sure. 

2. Strengthen your Knees: 

Individuals in the age bracket of 15-25 are susceptible to sports injuries especially around the knee area as the body is still developing and leaving the knees vulnerable to injury. Strengthen your knees and inner thighs. You can do various exercises when you wake up in the morning before hitting work for 10-15 min daily or 3-4 times a week in the comfort of your home. Get yourself a yoga mat, lie down and move your legs and knees in circular movements and a variety of other exercises like squats and push ups to keep your knees strengthened. Additionally, take vitamin supplements through healthkart coupons to make sure your body gets the right nutrition. 

3. Spine Care

Most jobs require hours and hours of work in-front of the laptop and computers which further leads to the spine losing its shape and the bones and muscles getting conditioned to form a slopped posture which can do much more harm in later years. Every now and then, get off the seat and stretch tall and do simple exercises to keep the spine and posture in check to avoid back and spinal problems later in life. 

4. Eating Healthy

The twenties are a time when most people just grab fast food on the go and skip meals because there is an important meeting or life changing interview. While career opportunities will come and go, your healthy years won’t come back which is why you need to watch your diet in your 20’s. Avoid eating fast food and ready to cook food and opt for healthy diet habit such as salads, yogurt, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, greens, protein and carbohydrate intake to make sure your body gets all the nutrition it requires. Also, make sure you get protein supplements by making use of healthgenie coupons to continue giving your body the boost it needs. 

5. Get Health Check Ups: 

With the rising number of health diseases like cancer, AIDS, diabetes and many more plagues gripping people at an alarmingly young age, be sure to visit your doctor annually or bi-annually for a full health check up to make sure everything is ok. If you drink alcohol and smoke, you have all the more reason to get yourself checked on time before matters escalate out of hand. 

Always remember, that “your health is your wealth”. 

In your 20’s you might run after money to make a comfortable life, however remember to not trade your health for it and keep these health tips in mind to live a youthful life even as you age! 

Author: Ridhi Gupta

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