Stomach ache: Simple Home Remedies

Stomach ache: Simple home remedies 

Well, I’ve got one for you. But, first I want to say that there may be many different reasons behind your stomach discomfort. 


So, before jumping into a quick stomach ache herbal remedy please do take a few moments to reflect about what is going on with you. 

• Is the stomach ache related to foods he has been eating? 

• Are you nervous about changes in life or about some upcoming or past event? • Is there something else you think is behind his stomach discomfort? 

 While an herbal stomach ache home remedy can certainly help, there may be other things you can do to support you. Perhaps you needs rest, and would enjoy lying still with a heating pad on the belly or maybe you have nervousness or fears. Sometimes just taking a little resting time is enough for stomach ache or home remedy needed. 

And, if you’d like to use herbs to support you, here are some recommendations for a soothing herbal stomach ache remedy: 

Simple Herbal Stomach Ache Remedy: 

Fennel seeds:

• Put 1⁄2 ounce of dried catnip leaves and 1⁄2 ounce of fennel seeds into a quart jar. 

• Cover with boiling water and let it steep for at least 4 hours. 

• Strain and offer warm or at room temperature (depending on your preference) in 1⁄2 cup doses as needed. (If you need something quicker, make extra and offer some after 20 minutes of steeping. It will just get more potent with time.) 

Chamomile tea:

Chamomile tea is another good stomach ache remedy. Just steep for 20 minutes rather than four hours as this is a stronger tasting herb. Chamomile is very calming as well as soothing, so it would be a great tea to support a you if you are dealing with nervousness or fears. 

 Peppermint tea:

Peppermint tea (again steeped for about 20 minutes) is a good stomach ache home remedy for older children and adults. This is a great remedy if the stomach ache is due to overeating or other food issues. You can vary the amounts and combinations of herbs as you like to create a tea that you or your family members and enjoys drinking that works as an effective stomach ache home remedy for your child.

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