Kidney Stones: Precautions and Home Remedies

Kidney Stones: Precautions and Home Remedies

Kidney stone (Nephrolithiasis) is growing problem in every aged people now a day. There is no one cause of kidney stone, however pollutants, contaminated food - water and dehydration are the major risk factors of kidney stone formation. Some home remedies and precautions can often be successfully dissolved the kidney stones and removed through urine if stones are small enough and early diagnose. 

Function of Kidneys: All the blood in our body passes through the kidneys several times a day. The major function of kidneys is to filter waste material from blood. Kidneys control and maintain the body’s fluid balance at certain level, it balance the electrolyte of blood and produce urine. 

Kidney stones: Kidney stones are mainly made up of mineral materials (such as uric acid, urate, calcium, phosphorous, oxalic acids and oxalate) containing component present in the blood and excreted through the urine. 

How Kidney Stones form? Due to many reasons the above mineral materials can grow in the bigger sizes and stuck in the kidney, urinary tract or in the bladder. 

Causes for Kidney stone formation: Mineral imbalance, Dehydration, Dietary factors, Urinary tract infection, Metabolic disorder, Gout, Cystic kidney diseases and Genetic factors, 

How to Diagnose Kidney Stones: Ultrasound (sound wave), IVP, or CT Scan (Computerized Tomography) techniques are used to diagnose kidney stones 

Symptoms: Sever pain in the belly, smelly or cloudy urine, brown or red color of urine, burning sensation during urination, uncontrollable urge to urine, blood in urine, nausea and vomiting, are common symptoms of having kidney stones. 

If kidney stones can be detected early or they are in small sizes some home remedies can remove them out. 

Home Remedies: 

1. Lemon juice and olive oil: Another remedy is take equal quantity of lemon juice and mixes it with extra virgin olive oil mix it well and drink it with lot of water. You can take this mixture 2 -3 times in a day up to 3 days. You can drink up to 12 oz of this mixture with water. If you pass your kidney stoned in a single dose then do not take it further. This mixture can causes diarrhea. Therefore you must be near bathroom. Lemon juice and olive oil mixture traditionally used to remove gallbladder stones but this also works for kidney stones. 

2. Basil leaf and Honey: Take one tea spoon basil leaf juice and mix honey to it and eat this mixture every morning empty stomach upto six months. 

3. Apple cider vinegar, honey and water: Add two table spoon apple cider vinegar and one tea spoon honey into a cup of luke warm water, mix it and drink it two times a day 

4. Aqueous extract of kidney beans: Take about 60 grams of kidney beans and add this to 4 liters of water. Heat these together for about 6 hours, once boiled strained the liquid with fine muslin and allows the liquid to cool down. Drink this liquid once every two hours, for a week. Do not drink this liquid again 24 hours after the first preparation. 

5. Aqueous extract of horse gram: Take one gram of horse gram (kulthi beans) added to half liter of water, heat this mixture till the water level reduces to 1/5th. Strain the mixture and collect the soup to this add two table spoon freshly crushed pomegranate seeds, mix it well and drink it once a day. 

6. Chanca piedra tincture: Purchase a tincture (liquid extracts) of natural herb call ‘Chanca Piedra’. Add few drops of it in a half cup of water and drink twice a day. Keep drinking it regularly and check through ultrasound to see the reduced sizes of kidney stones. 

Food and Drink to have: 

1. Drink enough (2 to 3 litters) water every day 
2. Drink a lot of lemon juice alone and water. 
3. Eat Watermelon, Cucumber, Radish 
4. Drink one glass of apple juice every day without adding any sweetner 
5. Drink one glass of pomegranate juice every day 

Dietary changes to prevent kidney stones: 

1. Do not allow to dehydrate your body 
2. Drink clean water 
3. Reduce sodium salt intake 
4. Reduces animal protein, such as meat, eggs, and fish 
5. Have enough calcium from food or taking calcium supplements with food 
6. Avoid foods high in oxalate, such as spinach, rhubarb, nuts, and wheat bran 

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