5 Health Tips To Handling Personal Computer

How many of you have faced difficulties, while working with computer and still feeling some health problems sitting continuous for long time in front of computer? Well then these tips are definitely going to help you.

Before I tell you some problems and tips let me tell, if you are a beginner in front of computer who needs to sit front of a computer long please wait for some time for you and your body get accustomed to computer usage. Since I know many people who started using computer and stopped its regular usage (I am not talking about people who need to use computer as a part of their Job as it becomes a necessary evil for them) for the reason that they don’t feel healthy using computer continuously They feel Headache, neck pain, back pain, eye strain, fingers, arms, knee pain etc.

The following things could be taken care of, while using computer for a long time.

1. Sitting Position:

Sitting Position
First of all you should have a good sitting position .Don’t stretch your body in a wrong manner while using computer, key boards. Coming too closely to monitor with your shoulder, back etc without a right position could cause pain and strain in back bone and shoulders. Always sit in a straight position and bring your body in proper manner while coming closer, inspecting something in the desktop, using key boards etc. Don’t suddenly turnover your body or position. Even if you don’t feel pain right then you may feel it afterwards. Use a comfortable chair where you can lay and take rest or watch things on computer if you are not that busy in front of it. But you can always use your body in whatever relaxing /comfortable position if you feel it accordingly

2. Exercises to your Body Parts:

Excercise For Computer UsersThe main body parts where you feel immediate pain and problems are fingers, legs and back side of your body. If possible use a computer table with a foot board where you can stretch your leg and keep it for rest. You can keep a cushion/pillow behind your chair so whenever you lay on chair it will give a rest and smoothness to your back. Well if you are in an office (or even in home) you can use some other methods of giving comfort your legs .Like rotating your legs or toes clock wise and anticlockwise. Same thing could be applied for our arms and fingers .Rotating your arms stretching your fingers and down like pumping etc are good exercises. It’s better to consult a physiotherapist for right usage of it .One time consultation is only needed and they will give you a electric therapy for your painful parts for the same consultation. Usually the above methods are suggested commonly by physiotherapists. But always remember to give rest your fingers in between while doing work. That is very important.

3. Don’t Do Things Together:

Don’t do voice based things (especially job related voice work) at home if there are other voice disturbances going on there like TV on ,others talking etc because u may do extra strain to cover the disturbance there and listen to headset ,which is not at all healthy. It will not give better results in the work too. You can notice that if you switch off your fan and listen to the headset while work u can feel the difference of working with putting on the fan.

4. Relaxation:

Always try to do something to entertain you while doing computer job. Even if you are doing something in the computer you can listen to music with headset, in between look something interesting in computer, chat to your friends and relax. If you are in home you can take break in between and spend some time with children other family members. If you are in office too, you can do some activities like browsing chatting or something else which relaxes and are allowed by your company. Whether you are in office or home do take breaks in between.

5. Other Exercises/Remedies:

Apart from physiotherapy exercises you can always look out better Yoga exercises (called Asanas) which allows your body stretching in different ways and also it has many breathing exercises. The different method is available online.

Well this much for the time being I will come up with more tips and write ups about different things later. The above mentioned problems were faced by me, and I got solutions through these methods, so I think these tips would be useful at least to home users of computers.

Authors: Beena SC Nair
Beena is dedicating her working time for online jobs so that I can do my domestic jobs well, and can be a better home maker. I have written only few articles online as a freelancer but do contribute by giving comments as well as threads on different online plat forms. Facebook - Twitter - LinkdIn

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