What is Meditation and what the benefits of Meditation ?
Thinks are moving very fast these days and we are surrounded by a lot of information, our mind got distracted. Therefore, it is important to understand meditation and its benefits, because meditation is one way to heal many sufferings. Here, we have described, about meditation with five different ways and its benefits. In next posting we will understand types of meditations and how to meditate ourselves to get full benefits.
What is Meditation?
Defitision1: Things are moving very fast these days. We got social media, emails, text messages and it is very easy so that we got distracted from tons if information. We have so many things to do list but we forgot to take a moment to be just in our life. These days taking a…..pause, rest, relax, is a radical act. Meditation is a way to do a pause. Meditation is become a master of your mind rather than a slave of every impulse. Now a day’s big companies including Google brings meditation into work place. Is this example enough to convince us to meditate? (Plainly simple studios)
Benefits: Meditation can help us to tunes our mind to be in present what actually we are doing. This will make us more effective at work, and same time will appreciate the beauty of world. Meditation will make us more focused, effective and calm into everyday life. Meditation can reshape our brain for better performance. (Plainly simple studios)
What is Meditation?
Defitision2: On an average day we are running about several thoughts (about future and past), we are texting, emailing, talking to people. We are going to yoga, going to gym, hanging around with friends. We are always doing something, and when we do something then we thinking about what we like to be doing and the things we already done. Medication is exactly opposite of that. Meditation is simply coming into right here right now (Riley Page)
So in our normal state mind we are negotiating with reality, manipulating circumstances, so that life look the way as we think it should look. And a lot of time we achieve those and when don’t there is suffering, pain. But in Meditation there is radical acceptance of everything exactly as it is. So even we meditate, we do not turn off our thoughts. We are actually not trying to do anything. Meditation is simply a pause, It is a resting point, it is the moment or place where we allow everything exactly as it is, whether we like it or not and when we do that a state of peace and bless dose arise. (Riley Page)
Benefits: When we meditate, slowly we step-up into our highest stage of our mind, to the deepest state of heart, and we live on those places. Meditation open gateway in our mind, in our heart, to access more creativity, more love, more peace, and to access more bless. We do not meditate only for 20 minutes peace of a day; we do meditate for 23 hours and 40 minutes that are left in a day, outside of the 20 minutes spend on the meditation every day. (Riley Page)
What is Meditation?
Defitision3: According to “Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali” (oldest text on Yoga), meditation is progressive quieting of mind till it reaches to its source in pure silence. (Dr. Deepak Chopra)
Benefits: Meditation will take us till source of thoughts, pure awareness. It’s a field of possibility, it’s a field of correlation and synchronistic, it’s a field of creativity, its also a field of unpredictability. Over the fifty years, many studies have been done for the benefits of meditation on psychological, and physiological. So we will feel less threatened, less reacted, more rested, sleep better, blood pressure gets lower, immune system gets boost. In general your health improves. (Dr. Deepak Chopra)
Meditation wakens our dormant potentials, so we are more open to possibility, we become more creative. Meditation is one of the means to fulfill four goals of life, (1) expressing our unique skills, talent and health (Dharma), (2) material (money and success) abundance (Artha), (3) love, pleasure in all forms, relationship (Kama), and (4) express our freedom, power of intension (Moksha) (Dr. Deepak Chopra)
What is Meditation?
Defitision4: Meditation is very simple phenomenon: When you are not doing anything at all bodily and mentally on all levels, when all activity have seized and simple are just being, that’s what meditation is. You cannot do it, you cannot practice it, you can understand it and whenever you find time for just being and drop all doings, thinking, concentration, contemplation. Even for a single moment if you are not doing anything at all and you are just at your center utterly relaxed that is meditation. Once you understand how to reach in meditation state you can stay as long as you want. (OSHO)
Benefits: Our life goes on more intensely, with more joy, with more clarity, with more vision, with more creativity and we become watcher of all things going around our life and not a doer. That is the whole secret of meditation. (OSHO)
What is Meditation?
Defitision5: Meditation is getting familiar with your mind. You try to get familiar with your mind, guide your mind, trained your mind. But question is, why do you need to guide and trained your mind? Actually, we called our mind like a monkey; as monkey always remains busy in many acts similarly we don’t know how to control/guide/trained/learn our crazy monkey mind. So meditation is to learn our mind, nature of our mind, function of our mind. (Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche) By giving part time job (such as observe breath) to our monkey mind, we can guide, train our mind. In this way our monkey mind will become employee and we employer, this is meditation. In this way our mind becomes peaceful, joyful, playable, and workable. (Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche)
Benefits: You will be free from negative emotions, negative thoughts, develop positive thought, clarity, love, compassion, your mind will become peaceful. (Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche)
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