Who Needs a Doctor When You Can Treat Colitis with a Colitis Remedy At Home?

Luckily, you can find an effective home remedy for colitis right in your kitchen and alleviate the pain quickly.

Colitis is the inflammation of the large intestine (called the colon) and can cause severe discomfort to a person. In case a person develops colitis, the most common symptoms experienced are abdominal pain and diarrhea. Other symptoms may include fever and chills (if the cause of colitis is infection), Tenesmus (the constant urge to have a bowel movement), etc. Although the symptoms are usually easy to spot, people often get confused by the cause of colitis. Colitis can be caused by infection through food intake, poor blood supply to the colon or because of negative autoimmune reactions. Coming up with a colitis remedy for all the different causes can be difficult as the symptoms may vary depending on the cause. However, you can use a basic home remedy for colitis to cure the majority of the common symptoms and get some relief.

Slippery Elm Tea

This is an amazing herb that creates a light coating over the digestive lining when combined with water and drunk. It helps soothe abdominal pain and reduce the inflammation of the intestinal walls. You can buy Slippery Elm tea at a herbal store and prepare it for an easy home remedy for colitis. The instructions are given on the packet.

Wheat Grass Juice

The juice of wheat grass is another easily available colitis remedy. Simply combine some wheat grass juice in lukewarm water and drink. Wheat grass juice can also be added to smoothies and shakes if you are not a fan of the flavor. This will also help in detoxifying the walls of the colon and will greatly reduce diarrhea.

Frankincense Oil

If you are experiencing ulcerative colitis, a home remedy for colitis is the use of the versatile Frankincense Oil. Used extensively in perfume-making, skincare products and aromatherapy, use of this oil will help speed up the secretion of bile and digestive acids, allowing your food to get digested and absorbed for nutrition more efficiently. Consider combining the use of frankincense oil with another colitis remedy for maximum effect.

Chamomile Tea

Another herbal formula that is extremely versatile for home remedies is chamomile tea. In addition to its use as an immune system stimulant, an anti-inflammatory and a quick burn treatment, chamomile can treat colitis too! Simply boil chamomile tea in water and consume it once in the morning and once before you go to sleep. The action of chamomile tea on the body is anti-spasmodic, which means it helps soothe stomach cramps and stops diarrhea. Its anti-inflammatory qualities will sooth the lining of the colon too, making this a very effective home remedy for colitis.

Goldenseal Tea

Another herbal tea that is very easily available at herbal stores is Goldenseal tea. Always keep a box of this on hand because it is used as a colitis remedy as well as for the treatment of a loss of appetite, ulcers and gastritis. It is very easy to brew - just add a small amount of Goldenseal tea to boiling water, let it boil for 5 minutes and consume when lukewarm.

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