Quick Healthy Recipes

When your routine doesn't allow you to make yourself proper time taking meals, quick healthy recipes give you a short cut to the fully nourishing diet, requiring just a fraction of your precious time. Health, after all, is equally precious.

potato salad, quick healthy recipes
The more short of time you are, the more strenuous routine you have and therefore, the more healthy food you need. Quick healthy recipes are the remedy to keep your body going by feeding it well whilst saving much of your time. When baking, steaming, grilling and intense cooking is not your domain, quick healthy recipes allow you simple boiling, tossing and mixing to yield healthy filling products.

Potato Salad

Required Ingredients:

  • 14 new baby potatoes
  • 4 tablespoons finely chopped red onion
  • 3 tablespoons chopped parsley
  • 2 teaspoons dill
  • 1 red bell pepper chopped
  • ¾ cups olive oil
  • 1/3 cups vinegar
  • 1 clove garlic, crushed
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Cut potatoes into halves and boil. Peel off the skin and transfer the potatoes in a large bowl. Allow them to cool. Add onions, bell pepper, parsley and dill to the bowl and mix gently. For dressing, combine olive oil, vinegar, garlic and pepper in a separate bowl. Pour the dressing gently over the potatoes. Toss lightly and Serve cold.


Potatoes are the ample of Irish people's diet. It's one of the most filling, minerals, ions and vitamins rich vegetable. Potato is rich in potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorous besides vitamins C, A, B and P. Potatoes contain mounds of carbohydrates that is the direct form of energy and are easy to digest. Minerals and vitamin content in potato make it very good for the skin. High vitamin content in potato makes is very effective in internal and external inflammation. Fiber content of potatoes lowers blood cholesterol level and regulates blood pressure.  


Dill is an aromatic perennial herb. It is mostly used to flavor soups and pickles. Owing to the presence of certain amino acids and minerals in dill, it is a very good appetizer and boosts digestion. Certain oils present in dill are sedative rendering it a soother and anti depressant herb that fights insomnia. Dill is helpful in stopping the hiccups. Because of its excellent effects on stomach functioning, dill was traditionally used as a stomach soother. It helps prevent diarrhea. Flavonoids in dill stimulate certain hormones that prevent menstrual disorders.


Garlic is known for ages for its medicinal value. Extremely rich in certain minerals and vitamins, garlic offers resistance to common cold and flu. Being an antioxidant, garlic is known to prevent cancers. Due to presence of a certain compound in garlic, it helps prevent heart diseases and lowers blood cholesterol level. Garlic is anti bacterial, anti viral and anti fungal in nature.

Quick healthy recipes – nourish your health and save your time.

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