How to cut your bangs

Using bangs is a trend very fashionable for hair in recent months, if you have time or do not want to get my hair read on. Today we show you how to cut your bangs . To cut your bangs you have dry hair, because if you do it with damp hair cut it over and then you will be very short bangs, and those cost disguise.

How to Cut Your Bangs:

How to cut your bangs

  • Take a section of hair from the front, it is best to go from the outer end of one eyebrow to the other, try not to take much hair for the bangs not be as thick.
  • Collect the remaining hair to not be disturbed while doing the cutting.
  • To ensure that the length is the one you want, smoothes fine section of hair with an iron.
  • The most recommended height is just below the eyebrows, always cut a little below to see how you’re staying.
  • To start you can divide the hair into two parts, as will help you cut calmly combed well and fixed the lock of hair between the index and middle fingers (you will serve as a reference).
  • Place the scissors horizontally and begins to cut, if necessary cut several times until the length you want. When you’re done with one hand, begins on the other side taking a lock already cut, this will serve as a reference to that its length is equal across the fringe.

How to cut your bangs
Okay, lets do this! Start by determining desired thickness and depth of bangs, then section hair into three sections. The middle section will be the bulk of the bangs and two outer sections will be cut to frame the face.
Tip: Should you want a thicker, bolder bang, start the section further back on your head. Wispier bangs would begin closer to your hairline.

How to cut your bangs
Take the middle section and decide desired length. It is better to play it safe and start longer than you think. You can always cut more hair off, but you can't glue it back on! 

How to cut your bangs
Distribute middle section of hair evenly in wide teeth of a comb. Slightly elevate away from your face so you can see the line and cut straight across.  If the first cut is too long, no fear, just try again until you get it just where you want it!
Tip: Standing close to a mirror will help you see your bangs clearly from both sides. 

How to cut your bangs
After base length is cut in, go back with your scissors and cut vertical snips to soften the line. When finished, the line will no longer be blunt and will almost look like mini zig-zags. 

How to cut your bangs
Take the two remaining outer sections and cut at a downward diagonal angle. Be sure to use the hair from the middle section as a guide. This will help to frame your face as well as blend bangs into the rest of your hair.

How to cut your bangs
Soften angles of the outer two sections with vertical snips. Again, remember the zigzag technique will result in a more natural look.

How to cut your bangs
Comb fringe into place, step back, and take a look! Make sure your sides are even and the arch of the bang is balanced. Sometimes this is hard to do yourself, so you can always ask a friend for some honest feedback. Or if you are doing this for a secret reveal, you can always take a selfie of the front and sides to get a better visual of where things might need a little tweaking! Don't be afraid to go back and take a little more length off or do more softening.

How to cut your bangs
Adding texture to the hair and thinning out pieces is optional, but highly recommended! Use texturizing shears to thin out bulky pieces by cutting hair at an angle.
Yes, these guys look scary; but don't be worried, they only cut every few hairs, allowing fringe to lay smoother. Always remove bulk at a diagonal or vertical angle to avoid faint shelves in hair. 

How to cut your bangs
Once fringe is even, balanced, and textured, play with it for desired style. You can comb fringe straight down for a sleeker look, or pinch pieces and separate for a more fun, playful look!

How to cut your bangs
Bam! There you have it — your very own do-it-at-home flirty fringe! 

How to cut your bangs
If you don't want to commit to the straight across bang or you get bored easily, you can also push bangs to the side for a fun new look! Get creative and have fun with it!  
Now how easy was that? Anyone can cut their own bangs — the great thing is, you are the one in control of how they look! 

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