The benefits of tea are numerous. Not only is it relaxing to sit with a cup of tea, but it is also good for you.
Studies have shown that people who drink three or more cups of tea every day are biologically younger than their actual age by about five years!
According to Dr. Oz, "Drinking tea helps to hydrate the body, and when the body is well hydrated, everything works better - including metabolism."
Why Is Tea So Good For You?
The benefits of tea are numerous ...
- The powerful polyphenols in tea can also help stop the growth of tumors by helping to destroy cancer cells and by blocking the process of new cancer cells forming.
- A study at Dartmouth Medical School showed that tea drinkers had a lower risk of skin cancer due to the tea's polyphenols which may help protect against the sun's damaging UV radiation.
- Another study from the University of Arizona showed that adding a citrus peel to tea may help reduce the risk of cancer even more.
- According to a Taiwanese study, those who drank three cups of green tea a day for one year lowered their risk of high blood pressure by 65 percent.
"Tea has been used for thousands of years as medicine."
Delicious Teas Worth Trying
Some of the best teas to drink include black tea, green tea, jasmine tea, pu-erh tea and white tea. To get the most antioxidant health benefits, enjoy several cups of tea daily.
Black Tea
Black tea has been shown to be a potent cancer fighter. Black tea comes from fermented tea leaves while green tea is made from the unfermented leaves of the tea plant Camellia sinensis. The National Foundation for Cancer Research reports that black tea is 100 times more effective at protecting your cells from cancer than vitamin C.
Green Tea
Scientists have shown that antioxidants known as polyphenols are especially abundant in green tea. Polyphenols are believed to have anti cancer, anti inflammatory and anti diabetic properties. Green tea doesn’t ferment (which is how black and oolong teas are made) so it contains far more antioxidants called catechins, especially the cancer fighting epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG).
Jasmine Tea
The island of Okinawa has more residents over the age of 100 than any other place and the incidence of cancer is almost 90 percent lower than the western world. Okinawans attribute their amazing health and longevity to sanpin tea, a variety of jasmine green tea. The residents of this island have the highest per capita consumption of sanpin tea, which is a minimally processed tea offering numerous health benefits. As an added bonus, it increases calorie burn causing the body to burn up to 250 extra calories per day!
Pu-erh Tea
According to a Chinese study, pu-erh tea can lower cholesterol by as much as 64 percent when consumed daily. The natural chemical found in pu-erh tea called lovastatin is credited for the cholesterol lowering properties. Pu-erh (prounounced poo-air) tea also has a very powerful effect on fat metabolism. Two enzymes found in pu-erh tea have been shown to actually shrink fat tissue.
White Tea
White tea is one of the least processed of all teas since it is picked before it is fully grown so it retains the highest amount of antioxidant polyphenols. White tea is made from the same plant as green tea, but it contains even more EGCG, an antioxidant that helps boost metabolism and promote weight loss. New research published in the journal Nutrition and Metabolism showed that the EGCG in white tea affects the genes that control fat formation. White tea helps dissolve existing fat cells and prevents new fat cells from forming.
The Many Health Benefits of Tea
The polyphenols in tea can help...
>>> Lower cholesterol.
>>> Lower blood pressure.
>>> Protect against ulcers.
>>> Help prevent strokes.
>>> Improve digestion.
>>> Protect the body against viruses.
More Benefits of Tea
Tea has been consumed all over the world for hundreds of years to provide relief from common conditions such as occasional sleeplessness, indigestion, constipation and to support weight loss.
Women all over the world drink tea to help lose unwanted pounds.
Drink as much as four cups of tea per day for maximum benefit and drink it freshly brewed.
More Reasons to Drink Tea ...
- Tea revs up metabolism - drinking tea every day helps the body burn up to ten percent more calories according to research conducted at Japan's University of Tokishima School of Medicine. The catechins in tea raise the body's metabolism through a process known as thermogenesis.
- Tea lowers sugar spikes - the powerful polyphenols found in tea help to balance blood glucose levels, especially after a high carb meal.
- Tea blocks the absorption of fat - the polyphenols in tea also inhibit the activity of the enzyme lipase according to Japanese research. This blocks the absorption of dietary fat and cholesterol in the digestive system.
- Tea revs up the production of T-cells - black, green or oolong tea helps the body produce infection fighting proteins. The immunity boosting secret is L-theanine, an amino acid that boosts the body's T-cells, which are the white blood cells that release powerful disease fighting proteins.
- Tea helps fight wrinkles - German researchers discovered that tea contains powerful antioxidants called polyphenols that help promote the formation of collagen which keeps the skin looking healthy.
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