Benefits of Meditation

Benefits of meditation

If you are going through a stressful time in your life, meditation can help you create an expanded state of consciousness which allows you to free yourself from feelings of tension and anxiety.

Meditation helps to bring the body back into balance.

Studies have shown that meditation can help you feel grounded, more relaxed and better able to handle stressful events when they occur.

When you take the time to mediate - even if only for a few minutes - you may be amazed at how good you feel!

The Benefits of Meditation

  • These meditation tips can help get your started on your way to optimal health. The goal is to breathe and think positive thoughts which does the body good.

  • Individuals who learn how to meditate regularly have lower incidences of high blood pressure and heart disease than those who do not.

  • Regular meditation decreases brain markers for depression while increasing brain activity that marks states of peace and joy.

  • Research from Herbert Benson’s Mind-Body Institute shows that meditation can turn a natural stress response into a natural relaxation response.

  • Instead of the body preparing to fight or take flight, meditation releases calming neurotransmitters and hormones that soothe the system.

  • Research from the University of North Carolina showed that those who meditate for twenty minutes a day performed ten times better on a test that measured the ability to concentrate and focus compared to those who did not meditate.

More Benefits of Meditation

Regular meditation can help...

  • Lower stress and tension.
  • Lower blood pressure.
  • Lower heart disease.
  • Improve concentration and focus.
  • Balance the body.
  • Balance the mind.

Meditate Often

  • The key to achieving the healthy benefits of meditation is consistency.

  • Find a practice that feels good to you and that draws attention and energy into the peacefulness of a deeply meditative state.

  • When you connect with your inner self, you will find you have the power to focus your intentions, calm your emotions and stabilize your mind.

  • Those who meditate regularly describe reaching a state of increased focus and clarity, a sense of mind-body connection and an inner strength that helps them better handle stressful situations.

Researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center showed that deep, slow breaths can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attack by 30 percent.

benefits of meditationBonus Tip - Benefits of Meditation

According to a study in NeuroReport, researchers discovered that the areas of the brain responsible for focus and sensory processing were thicker and more robust among those individuals who meditate.

This is powerful evidence in support of the benefits of meditation.

Meditation is like exercise for the brain keeping it healthy and strong!

Another study at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) discovered that specific areas of the brain were larger and contained more gray matter among those who meditated regularly. A follow-up study showed that people who meditate regularly also have less age related shrinkage in all areas of the brain. 

Research shows that meditation boosts brain power!

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