What is Lemon Zest ?
The peel of the Lemon or the Citrus limonum fruits it is called lemon zest and it has many healthy components to eat regularly?
I would always be in a hurry to avoid not just the zest of the lemon because it stings the eye, I also avoided the whole fruit because of its really tarty taste. The Lemon zest is not just edible, it has a whole lot of nutritional content that should make you even want to take it the more. Lemon zest serves as a great spice for some of the dishes you prepare daily. Let me take you through a rundown of what Lemon zest can do for your body and to your health.
WATCH VIDEO : How To Zest Lemon?
1. Anti-Aging Skin:
The zest of lemon contains citric acid and Vitamin C in it, which purifies blood vessels and clears off vectors that bring about impurities found in skin cells. Therefore, it improve skin health reduces wrinkles. Lemon zests also have pectin which significantly helps in weight loss:
2. Reduces Cholesterol Level:
The lemon zest is a good source of vitamins C and P. That helps in reducing toxins from the blood and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is considered bad for health. Having the lemon peel regularly helps to reduce the level of cholesterol in one`s body thus helping to promote a better healthy heart.
3. Helps to Develop Strong and Healthy Bones:
Calcium as we all know has always been a good and essential nutrient for healthy and strong bones. Lemon zest fortunately, contains this nutrient abundantly so eating lemon zest improve bones conditions and helps to prevent bones diseases such as osteoarthritis, inflammatory polyarthritis, rheumatoid and arthritis.
4. Cancer Prevention:
Lemon zest contains limonene hydrocarbons, salvestrol Q40 and flavonoids. These chemical components individually fight against cancerous cells. Flavonoids actively help to counter cancerous cell division. This cancer preventive action helps against skin cancer, colon cancer and breast cancer.
5. Oral Health:
Being deficient in vitamin C also leads to several gum and dental maladies. These maladies include gingivitis, bleeding gums and scurvy. Luckily, lemon zest with its abundant sources of citric acid and vitamin C makes the maladies extinct by preventing them quite easily.
The zest of the lemon looks like worthless but it is not. It surprisingly added several benefits and enhance good physical and mental health. It would also provide us with some quite essential nutrients our body needs daily. Therefore, it cannot take for granted again or dispose as waste.
Author`s Bio
Ibekwe Emmanuel graduated from the University of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. He loves writing educative and scintillating articles. He loves reading a lot and had a reputation of always walking with books while he was in the University. To know more about him, kindly check out Google+
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