Drinking Water: Purify Water at Home
Water is our basic need and we cannot live without drinking pure water. To obtain pure drinking water is getting difficult in every part of word whether it is undeveloped, developing or even in developed countries. However, you can purify contaminated water in three simple steps at home to make drinkable water.
Drinking contaminated water causes water born diseases, such as Diarrhoea, Cholera, Guinea worm diseases, Malaria, Trachoma, Typhoid, Schistosomiasis, gallbladder stones and many other deadly diseases. Contamination of water could be due to variety of microorganisms including viruses, bacteria, protozones, parasitic worms, toxic metals, dirt, sand particles and others.
Many people die from diarrheal diseases caused by inadequate drinking water. 1/10 of the global diseases burden could be prevented by improving good quality drinkable water supply. There are many techniques and high tech filtration devices and instruments are available in the market to improve water quality. However, you can also make your own water filter system at home in just three steps as describe follows.
Step 1: Flocculation technique using Alum
Step 2: Bio-Sand Gravity filtration
Step 3: Exposure to Sun light
Step 1 - Flocculation technique using Alum: The chemical name of Alum is Aluminum sulfate and its chemical formula is Al2(SO4)3. First stirrer your contaminated water with Alum powder or its solution in water or by direct stirring with solid Alum. And wait 30 to 45 minutes, all the dirt, mud microorganisms and other big particles will settle down and you can see transparent water. Now it is ready for further treatment. After two three purification you can get an idea how much (an optimum quantity) of Alum and contaminated water you need.
For flocculation techniques the following you-tube video is recommended for further information.
Step 2 – Bio-Sand Gravity filtration: You can make seven layer gravity filtration containers (Figure 1) at your home using either plastic or metal bucket or clay pot. This is also called Bio-Sand water filter. The scale of this filter can be small, medium or large depend on your resources and requirement. This filter require layer by layer addition of (Layer 1) big rocks, (Layer 2) medium rocks, (Layer 3) small rocks, (Layer 4) wooden charcoal chunk, (Layer 5) Fine activated charcoal, (Layer 6) Courus sand, and (Layer 7)
Fine sand from bottom to top. After addition of all layers. You can add clear water only very slowly (without disturbing fine sand layer) obtained from step 1 (after flocculation treatment) and wait. Water will slowly percolate from top to bottom and you can collect pure water from the out let. You have to remove some early fraction of water until you get clear water.
Bio-Sand Filter Part 1, 2 & 3:
Step 3 - Exposure to Sun light: After getting clean water from step 2, you can transfer it into transparent plastic or glass bottle or container and keep it in Sun light for 6 – 8 hours. This is called SODIS method.
For further information you can watch following you-tube video.
Water purification in hot climates using sunlight: SODIS Method
Water is our basic need and we cannot live without drinking pure water. To obtain pure drinking water is getting difficult in every part of word whether it is undeveloped, developing or even in developed countries. However, you can purify contaminated water in three simple steps at home to make drinkable water.
Drinking contaminated water causes water born diseases, such as Diarrhoea, Cholera, Guinea worm diseases, Malaria, Trachoma, Typhoid, Schistosomiasis, gallbladder stones and many other deadly diseases. Contamination of water could be due to variety of microorganisms including viruses, bacteria, protozones, parasitic worms, toxic metals, dirt, sand particles and others.
Many people die from diarrheal diseases caused by inadequate drinking water. 1/10 of the global diseases burden could be prevented by improving good quality drinkable water supply. There are many techniques and high tech filtration devices and instruments are available in the market to improve water quality. However, you can also make your own water filter system at home in just three steps as describe follows.
Step 1: Flocculation technique using Alum
Step 2: Bio-Sand Gravity filtration
Step 3: Exposure to Sun light
Step 1 - Flocculation technique using Alum: The chemical name of Alum is Aluminum sulfate and its chemical formula is Al2(SO4)3. First stirrer your contaminated water with Alum powder or its solution in water or by direct stirring with solid Alum. And wait 30 to 45 minutes, all the dirt, mud microorganisms and other big particles will settle down and you can see transparent water. Now it is ready for further treatment. After two three purification you can get an idea how much (an optimum quantity) of Alum and contaminated water you need.
For flocculation techniques the following you-tube video is recommended for further information.
Step 2 – Bio-Sand Gravity filtration: You can make seven layer gravity filtration containers (Figure 1) at your home using either plastic or metal bucket or clay pot. This is also called Bio-Sand water filter. The scale of this filter can be small, medium or large depend on your resources and requirement. This filter require layer by layer addition of (Layer 1) big rocks, (Layer 2) medium rocks, (Layer 3) small rocks, (Layer 4) wooden charcoal chunk, (Layer 5) Fine activated charcoal, (Layer 6) Courus sand, and (Layer 7)
Fine sand from bottom to top. After addition of all layers. You can add clear water only very slowly (without disturbing fine sand layer) obtained from step 1 (after flocculation treatment) and wait. Water will slowly percolate from top to bottom and you can collect pure water from the out let. You have to remove some early fraction of water until you get clear water.
Figure 1
For further information you can watch following you-tube video. Bio-Sand Filter Part 1, 2 & 3:
Step 3 - Exposure to Sun light: After getting clean water from step 2, you can transfer it into transparent plastic or glass bottle or container and keep it in Sun light for 6 – 8 hours. This is called SODIS method.
For further information you can watch following you-tube video.
Water purification in hot climates using sunlight: SODIS Method
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